
MVPPicks has a total of 0 completed sports picks the last 30-days.

* Return on Investment (ROI) figures above represent potential returns based on a $100 per unit risk amount. Please note that past results do not guarantee or imply future performance.


Welcome to MVPPicks, my name is Nick and Im here to help you make money. Sports is my life, I run a sports radio show and I currently coach two sports. I coach football at the semi-pro level and also formerly played at the semi-pro level. I also coach local recreation basketball where im proud to say in my first three years we have won 4 championships with two undefeated teams, this year I coached two teams allowing that extra title. I am super competitive, and yes that sure as hell means with gambling to, it's far more competitive when your money is on the line and I know that personally! Ive lost big and won big and I've lost the most listening to these wannabe guys on facebook, welp you and I are gonna rack cash and make those Facebook clowns look like fools, dont believe? Just watch! 😉


Vegas did well... not!
Posted by MVPPicks
Posted on Thu, Aug 27, 2020

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