
minazakhary123 has a total of 0 completed sports picks the last 30-days.

* Return on Investment (ROI) figures above represent potential returns based on a $100 per unit risk amount. Please note that past results do not guarantee or imply future performance.


Welcome to the best sports picks and best investment for your buck.  With our service you will get no more than 12 picks a month. We pride ourselves with providing high quality picks at a minimal rate because no sports investor will be successful wagering 3+ games a day for 7 days a week. Our record alone will prove that and is GUARANTEED to make you a profit. Remember that there WILL be losing days and that sports wagering is a marathon not a sprint. Our games will ALWAYS be on Saturday and Sundays so always keep an eye out for games being posted on those days. We offer a one day pass for $100.00 given the fact we only offer games two days a week but offer a month package for those that want to make a one time payment for any given month. We hope everyone is pleased with our service and if you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to email us.


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